Xavi Hernández’s no to the Brazilian team



In the long appearance in which Xavi Hernandez He was introduced as Barcelona’s new coach and gave time to talk about almost everything. And among many other things, the Catalan coach revealed his refusal to lead the Brazilian team, a proposal that he would have received a few months ago: “Yes, it is true that I spoke with Brazil. The idea was to help Tite and catch the team after the World Cup.

The Brazilian federation wanted to take advantage of Xavi’s experience and tactical knowledge, and was even willing to hand him over as head coach once Tite fulfilled his work in Qatar. However, the Egarense was clear that this option separated him from a possible return to Barça: “My idea was to come, and I feel that now is the time.”

Xavi also revealed that he had already had two previous proposals to return to the Barça club: «The first two times that Barcelona came, we did not feel it, both at a family and football level. I also believed it was early. Then, with elections in between, it did not seem like the right moment. Now, with Jan, I have a very good relationship. I think he is the best president this club has ever had. He called me and I had no doubts. They were more family doubts. In Qatar we have lived very well and we have two small children.

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