what is the number that appears in the overlay- Corriere.it

You can see it during the live broadcasts of Serie A and other competitions and not a mistake: expressly wanted by the company

We are watching the game on Dazn and on the screen, between the players and the ball, a strange code appears. Many have wondered what that s wasstring of characters that appears during Serie A matches
, Serie B or other live sports competitions and the simple answer: not an error and deliberately visible.

The code that appears on the screen and disappears after a few seconds in fact has a very specific role: to fight piracy. Technically a watermark, a stamp that is used to quickly identify the holder of the subscription in case you decide to reproduce the contents of Dazn on other sites.

Cos, if the match or sporting event is retransmitted to illegal platforms or sites, the company will only have to deactivate the subscription linked to the code to stop the procedure. Nothing easier and we also find it on Sky.

November 7, 2021 (change November 8, 2021 | 09:38)


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