What future for Joachim Gérard after his heart failure?

There are days when waking up is rude and difficult. On September 1, the entire Belgian delegation present in Tokyo for the Paralympic Games learned of the hospitalization of Joachim Gérard following a serious heart problem. Present at the Olympic village to say goodbye to athletes returning home, the Brabançon collapsed following a heart problem. Quickly taken care of by the delegation doctor and the emergency services present on site, the last winner of the Australian Open and Wimbledon was taken to hospital where he regained consciousness and was able to respond to questions asked.

Instead of leaving Japan for New York where the US Open awaited him, the 33-year-old Brabançon stayed for just over two weeks in Tokyo with his coach, Damien Martinquet, to take a battery of exams there. in collaboration with local doctors and those of the player in Belgium.

Back in Belgium in mid-September, Joachim Gérard passed through the hands of specialists to understand what happened to him. In the meantime, Jo has also announced good news with his future fatherhood. This Wednesday in the company of his manager and his staff, our player in a chair will discuss his future. The whole little planet of the little yellow ball is crossing its fingers so that our compatriot can resume competition and not end his career.


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