what Emmanuel Macron said to the Blues

The President of the Republic on Monday shared his professional career and gave the keys to success for the 2023 World Cup to Antoine Dupont and his partners. Excerpts from this astonishing exchange.

The high point of the presidential visit to the French rugby teams, this Monday at the Marcoussis National Training Center, was, after lunch in the company of the Blues of Antoine Dupont (Emmanuel Macron did not miss him wish his birthday), the grand oral passed in front of the Blues. The principle, executed before him by the navigator Thomas Coville, the starred chef Guy Savoy or the former president of the Stade Français, Max Guazzini? Present your professional background and then answer questions from players.

Emmanuel Macron agreed to play the game. If the media were not invited to this meeting, which took place in the living room of the XV of France, Midi Olympique managed to obtain extracts of this exchange in all relaxation. The President of the Republic spoke of his progress until his election in 2017. “Everything we do is built upstream. For me, it was long before the presidential fight.»

“If I had stayed in my comfort zone, I wouldn’t be here. You have to know how to take risks, make things happen… ”

Emmanuel Macron

And to specify his state of mind. “If I had stayed in my comfort zone, I wouldn’t be here. You have to know how to take risks, make things happen …Emmanuel Macron develops, specifies, gives keys. “Never be hostage to established patterns of the past. Never live in the eyes of others, I never tried to know what people thought of me but rather what I should do.»

His presentation then turns to advice for the Blues in search of supreme consecration, in France in 2023. “We can make mistakes, but never repeat the same mistakes. And then, you have to have the mind available. To win a competition like 2023, you have to feed on experience but be available under the conditions that are in front of you. The context is always radically different.»

Noon Olympique reveals that Karim Ghezal, the coach in charge of the touchdown then Serge Simon, the vice-president of the FFR, then open fire with questions. Before Grégory Alldritt or Matthieu Jalibert set off in their turn. Emmanuel Macron insists on the collective, the “generosity». «This notion is essential: we owe it to those who come to see us and who give us time. It is a question of ethics, humanity and elegance.»

Never forget that you are wearing the colors of a very large country. It is also what should lead you to transcend yourself

Emmanuel Macron

The exchange lasted half an hour. Place the speech of thanks from the coach, Fabien Galthié. “I do not know if we measure the gift you give us. Everyone will undoubtedly take a lot of this moment that you have given us. This is how a team grows. The players were very attentive, very impressed. Since the beginning of the adventure, we have experienced great moments in packed stadiums. There, in a more intimate sequence, we have just experienced a very great moment. On behalf of all, I warmly thank you.»

Strong applause and conclusion from the President of the Republic. “Build this evidence, it is what will make that something will impose itself on you and on the others. Then continue to grow individually. Because there is no great team without great men (…) I don’t think that you can win any great competition whatsoever if you lie to yourself or forget where we come from, who we are and the values ​​that forged us. Finally, never forget that you are wearing the colors of a very large country. This country which exceeds us, the colors which are ours and the collective which you represent, it is also what must lead you to transcend yourself. It is this part of the ideal which, at some point, must carry you.»

SEE ALSO – Khazri’s fabulous 68-meter goal with Saint-Étienne against Metz on October 30 (1-1)



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