“We arrived at a great moment”

November 27, 2021 – 02:04
Said the goalkeeper of Gymnastics and Tire, in the prelude to the duel with Central Norte.

Gimnasia y Tiro, motivated by his present and the conviction of advancing one more step towards his final goal, points him fully to the clash against Central Norte, which he will face tomorrow at the Padre Martearena stadium, starting at 18, in the semifinal by Federal A.
In the white team they trust in the work they have been doing, to face the most transcendental match in recent years.
“We are calm, first of all enjoying being among the four best in the tournament. We did not feel pressure because throughout the tournament we played several important matches, it could be said that we have been playing finals, ”said Luciano Silva, Gimnasia goalkeeper, in the prelude to the classic.
Albos and crows meet, they will meet again, this time in a decisive instance, for the third time this season.
Taking into account the parity between the two teams, the key to success for the “one” millionaire will be “in the details, it can be a standing ball or a winger. In these types of matches, not much is given away, they are more friction in the middle, more in a classic and in a semifinal “, said Pipi Silva and added:” Central has two unbalancing forwards and we have to take these precautions, but we go beyond to look at the rival we must enhance our virtues of ourselves “.
It is clear that Gimnasia and Central Norte are among the best teams in the category, something that the millionaire goalkeeper did not hesitate to acknowledge: “We arrived at a great moment passing two play-offs against a very complicated rival like Pronunciamiento, now we are in the semifinal It is something beautiful and we have to try to enjoy it ”, he assured.
A no-minor detail that generated great controversy in the classic was the Federal Council’s decision to designate the Martearena stadium as the venue for the semifinal when by regulation it had to be played on a neutral court. The measure did not go down well at the Calle Vicente López club because Central was a local there for the entire tournament.
“They know the field, they played everything there and they also train, but our virtue is that we play the same football on all the fields and trying to look at the rival goal, obviously it matters but that issue does not provide us much,” said Pipi.
Finally Silva left a message for the fans: “We are going to leave 110% as we did throughout the tournament, I hope they continue to bench us as always.”



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