UnipolSai, let’s change: Gnudi at the helm of the youth sector – Sport

A new youth manager for Fortitudo Baseball. It is Christian Gnudi (in the photo) who takes the place of Fabio Betto who has become director of Effe Lab. “I thank the company for the prestigious role it has entrusted to me. I am very motivated to continue Betto’s excellent work – he says Gnudi -. The goal is to have an ever greater turnout of athletes within our youth sector and to get them to the first team. “

Christian is in his fourth year in the Fortitudo technical staff and from this season he is part of the coaching staff of the Italy Under 23.

“Christian has deserved this appointment on the pitch, demonstrating all his qualities – says Fortitudo president Pierluigi Bissa -. We are sure he will do a great job”.


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