Training course in Milazzo for young basketball referees

The meeting of the referee training school wanted by the extraordinary commissioner of Fip Sicilia Cristina Correnti took place in Milazzo. Nineteen young referees from Basili-Cata, Campania, Calabria, Lazio and Sicily who carried out technical work in the classroom and on the field.

The logistical support was guaranteed by the city companies “Asd Svincolati Milazzo” and “Asd Il Minibasket Milazzo”. Under the supervision of the technical director Dino Ena Seghetti, the instructors Marco Venturi, Giorgio Raffaele Loccisano and Sebastiano Tarascio held the training meetings. Also organized friendlies with the youth teams of the Svincolati Milaz-zo and the Pcr Messina, competitions directed by the young referees.

The councilor for sport, Antonio Nicosia, on behalf of the municipal administration, welcomed the whole working group that for three days had the opportunity to reside in our city.

“It is positive that in addition to the sporting and competitive aspect there are these training moments from a technical and theoretical point of view” – stated Nicosia – recalling that in recent days the municipal gym of the Ciantro hosted another course for managers and coaches, promoted by the FIP (Federation of Volleyball) in the person of the provincial president Zurro with the presence of the mental coach Franco Bertoli.

“A clear demonstration – concluded the exponent of the Midili junta – of how in addition to the sport played, there is a continuous dialogue of this Administration with the sports federations”.


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