Torino fans rise up on social media: sarcasm about Orsato

On the opaque proof of the Toro there are no doubts. Football, however, is also made up of episodes. Two escaped referee Daniele Orsato during the match against Spice. The first at 19 ‘: Simone Sticks touches the ball first with the chest and then with the hand. The touch occurs in the area. For the race director of Schio it is not a penalty, even after the recall to the Var monitor. Even Bastoni, once the first half was over, let slip an admission of guilt to Dazn’s microphones: “I touched it with my hand after jumping, but luckily the referee saw well and didn’t give a penalty “. The question remains where the truth lies on this case: because Friday evening is granted to Genoa a similar penalty for a touch with the Empoli’s arm Fiamozzi? But it is not only Bastoni’s hand that has rightly ignited the Toro fans, who also demand an irregular intervention by the goalkeeper Provedel its Singo: the goalkeeper in the 29th minute loses the ball and conspicuously hinders the Ivorian with his leg, who has the sole “fault” of remaining standing and continuing the action, then kicking high over the crossbar. The phallus, however, is there. But Orsato lets it go, without being called back by Where.

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Turin, Belotti hits the crossbar. Sala makes La Spezia rejoice

Grenade fans rise up on social media

And away with the insurrection of the grenade people on social networks. A flood of comments against the Venetian whistle. Seasoned with a lot of sarcasm: starting from “The advantage over a penalty is never given, right Orsato?”», Citing the sentence said at the interval of Juventus-Roma (in which he justified the penalty not granted to the Giallorossi in the first half), passing through “Taurus has a certainty: when in doubt, there is never a penalty in favor”, until you get to the gloss “Once again Orsato has put a hand in it”, with veiled reference to the direction of the race of Spezia-Toro last season (even then the referee was Orsato). And who can blame Taurus in this case? The two episodes could have changed the face of the Peak challenge. The performance of the grenades remains insufficient, but Orsato has done much worse.


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