The new training days of Prebaseball, U12 and U15


With the transition to solar time and with the coldest autumn and winter temperatures, from now on most of the training of the youth teams will be carried out in the gym in Via Bologna. An exception is the U15 which will still play one of its two weekly training sessions at the Via Gruara field.

Below we indicate the days and times already in effect from this week for Prebaseball. Under12 and Under15. The Under18 and Serie A teams, on the other hand, will start training towards the end of the month in places, days and times that we will indicate as soon as possible but which will include training in the gym and others at the via Gruara field.


  • teams MINIBASEBALL e UNDER 12:
    1) gym in via bologna WEDNESDAY from 16.15 to 17.45
    2) gym in via bologna SATURDAY from 3pm to 4.30pm
  • UNDER 15 team:
    1) gym in via Bologna TUESDAY from 6 to 7.15 pm
    2) baseball field in via Gruara on FRIDAY from 6pm to 7.30pm
  • SERIE B + UNDER 18: start date, days and times yet to be defined.

We remind you that to access the gym in Via Bologna it is mandatory to present the Green Pass to the inspectors (except for children under 12 years of age).



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