The countdown has begun for the globesonneuses

Kitty Dupond has had a year filled with twists and turns. The Amazon Raid 2020 planned in Thailand has been canceled because of the pandemic, that of 2021 is postponed and her partner, with whom she has been training for two years, forfeit. This raid, which has 300 participants, helps to collect funds for the Restos du cœur and to participate in the local economy of the organizing country.

Always full of resources and an unfailing optimism, Kitty does not admit defeat, continues to seek funds for her project and multiplies the training sessions. But this time, the turn signals turn green!

Meeting with the local population

Indeed, the Amazons raid will finally take place in Sri Lanka from March 27 to April 6, 2022. A new teammate is part of the adventure: Sylvie Josserand. “For me, until now, it was an unattainable dream to participate in this raid. In addition to the sporting events, the meeting with the local population is interesting. This project is duly considered with our respective families, because we leave fifteen days and months to come will be devoted to training. “ Kitty considers this adventure a lesson in perseverance: “I want my 7 year old son to see his mom fulfill herself and give the best of herself.”

The globesonneuses can also count on many coaches who prepare them for the various events: Philippe Lacour for mountain biking, Patrick Soprano who provides technical advice, in particular on time management in bike and run; André Adamczak in archery, and Christophe Lucquet, former vice-world champion, for the two-seater canoe. “We are carried by this sports staff who believe in us”, specified Kitty.

The two sportswomen are still looking for sponsors. “The trip is expensive, we have advanced 2,000 euros to be able to get our bib.” Thus, Kitty continues to sell cakes at the market on Saturdays, two dates are to be remembered: November 27 and December 11. In addition, the globesonneuses have posted a prize pool. We will not fail to follow their sporting and humanitarian adventures during their raid.

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