the controversial omission of Aaron Rodgers and the tragic accident in Las Vegas

In a matter of hours, the most popular sport of the USA he was shocked by two high-impact news. In one of them, a young star of the football he saw his career finished in a matter of seconds by pressing the accelerator and killing a 23-year-old girl. In the other, a veteran MVP, leader of the season’s sensation team in the NFL, was exposed with a lie and today is the focus of criticism and accusations.

Las Vegas, Nevada, 27 degrees of temperature at 3.30 in the morning of Tuesday the 2nd in Sin City. Henry Ruggs III, a 22-year-old boy with a 16 million dollar contract for four seasons with the Raiders and the future in his hands, returns from a nightclub with his girlfriend flying at more than 250 kilometers per hour in his Chevrolet Corvette. At that speed it hit the back of Tina Tinter’s Toyota, which ended 150 meters from the crash site, on fire: the driver was trapped between the seat and the steering wheel, and died along with her pet.

Twenty-four hours later, on Wednesday 3, the police reported that Ruggs had twice the amount of alcohol allowed in his blood and that he was carrying a firearm in his car. The Raiders franchise sympathized with the victim’s family and announced that the receiver was being fired from the team. And the Justice applied a bail of 150 thousand dollars and placed an anklet: he faces charges that can lead him to serve an effective sentence in jail that ranges from 2 to 20 years behind bars. It is the end of his career.

That same Wednesday, in Green Bay, Wisconsin, at -2 degrees Celsius, there was another breaking news jolt on the sports signals. Aaron Rodgers, quarterback for more than a decade of the historic Packers, MVP of last season and leader of the current one with a streak of 7 consecutive victories, tested positive for coronavirus.

According to the protocol that governs in that league for vaccinated players, the professional veteran (whose salary ranges from $ 35 million a year) could miss Sunday’s game against the Kansas City Chiefs. He needs to present three negative tests before Sunday’s crash. But there the scandal jumps: in reality, Rodgers is not vaccinated.

-Have you been vaccinated? What is your position on vaccination?

-Yes, I have been immunized.

That short dialogue between Rodgers and a journalist the 26 August It is the most played video in the United States media and it went viral on the networks with comments of outrage and memes. Two months after that sentence, it was clear that the 12th Green Bay was untrue.

It is known that in the United States there is a strong anti-vaccine movement And that, despite the fact that it was one of the first countries to manufacture and apply them, only 58 percent of its population received the two doses against the covid, a figure similar to that of Argentina. That problem was transferred to sport.

Aaron Rodgers, number 12 of the Green Bay Packers, one of the great figures of the NFL. Photo: Christian Petersen / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP.

Rodgers still did not clarify what happened but from the franchise they explained that what they did to him was “a homeopathic treatment”, according to the local press. The NFL was aware of this situation but what generates more controversy is that the MVP 2020 he moved in the games as if he was vaccinated, complying with a “softer” protocol: he gave interviews without masks, he did not quarantine on tours, he did not respect isolation off the pitch.

In fact, at the weekend the costume she chose to go to a party was all the rage. Halloween, dedicated to John Wick, the character from Keanu Reeves’ film, a kind hearted hit man, who only cares about the love of his dog.

Packers fans are devastated by the fear that this situation will derail a season that was looking promising. The NFL is wondering what sanction is for Rodgers, who must first fight and overcome the disease, it is worth mentioning. And both journalists, publicly, and other figures in the environment, for now silently, wonder why the MVP received all these privileges from the league.

While all this is happening, in Las Vegas, Tina Tintor’s friends light candles and leave flowers at the place where this unfortunate 23-year-old girl tragically lost her life.



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