The Anti-Mafia Ball Task Force Formed by the Police Turns out to be Disbanded!


The Anti-Mafia Ball Task Force (Satgas) formed by the National Police has disbanded. The task force was disbanded when Indonesian football stopped due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Anti-Mafia Ball Task Force which I lead has ended on August 20, 2020. The task force has not been extended since August 2020,” said Brigadier General Hendro Pandowo, who was the head of the Anti-Mafia Bola Task Force to reporters, Monday (1/11/2021).

Hendro explained the end of the Anti-Mafia Ball Task Force as there was no league last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As is known, the league was stopped last year due to COVID-19.

However, recently appearing in the live broadcast of Liga 2 this year, several people wearing jackets with the words ‘Satgas Antimafia Bola’ standing on the sidelines. Hendro also questioned the figure of the person in the jacket.

“I don’t know who is on the field and wearing the vest of the Ball Mafia Task Force,” said Hendro, who now serves as Deputy Chief of the Metro Jaya Police.

Hendro said that during his tenure, the task of the Anti-Mafia Bola Task Force itself was to oversee every match. If a violation is found, it will report it to the PSSI Komdis.

“We monitor every match. If a disciplinary violation is found, we will report it to the PSSI Komdis. Meanwhile, if there is a violation of the law, we will take legal action,” said the former Karo Provost Polri.

As is known, the Anti-Mafia Football Task Force was formed by the National Police to address the rise of score-fixing issues in the Indonesian league. In his work, several cases were successfully revealed. One of the things that drew attention was the arrest of the then Acting Chairman of PSSI, Joko Driyono.

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