Super League Cup and Women’s Super League ready to take flight | Basketball 123

Iván Holguín López / @ivan_baloncesto

Venezuelan basketball is back and in all its branches, the Super League Cup and the Women’s Super League from this weekend they will bring joy to fans of the sport of heights, who also return to the fields.

At a press conference where they were present, the president of the Venezuelan Basketball Federation (FVB), Hanthony Coello; the president of the Super League, Angel Hernandez; the general manager of the Super League, Oswaldo Narváez; the Minister of Youth and Sports, Mervin Maldonado and the president of the IND, the Drag. Ninoska Clocier; some relevant details were given about the upcoming tournaments.

The name of the event

The first big surprise of the event was the one made official by Minister Maldonado, who announced that the names of the tournaments that will be played from this Sunday will be: José “Grillito” Vargas (Male) and Ivaney Márquez (Female).

Precisely at the event, Vargas was present, who thanked him for the gesture that was a surprise for him, also assured that he hopes to win it.

The teams present

The minister confirmed the presence of 13 teams in the Super League Cup. These teams are: Trotamundos de Carabobo, Cocodrilos de Caracas, Spartans Distrito Capital, Broncos de Caracas, Guaiqueríes de Margarita, Jetsons de Miranda, Héroes de Falcón, Taurinos de Aragua, Llaneros de Guárico, Diablos de Miranda, Cangrejeros de Monagas, Gladiadores de Anzoátegui and Centauros de Portuguesa.

For its part, the presence of 5 teams in the women’s Super LeagueThese are: Deportivo Anzoátegui, Patriotas de Caracas, Pastoras de Lara, Yaracuyanas BBC and Caribeñas de Caracas.

They will be housed in two bubbles, that of Parque Miranda (where a group of the Superliga Cup and the Women’s Superliga will be played in its entirety) and that of Gimnasio Ciudad de La Asunción (where the other team of the Superliga Cup will be played) . Similarly, it was reported that the final of the tournament will take place in Miranda.

We will have about 300 athletes in action, so we are very happy to continue betting on the sport. What better way to close such a successful year for Venezuela than with all sports in action together, ”said Maldonado.

The bet on women’s basketball

Hanthony Coello, president of the FVB, pointed out that it is very positive that after 4 years of absence, there is a women’s basketball league again, in this case the Women’s Super League. “These 5 teams are a base on which we have to build, we must copy the men’s model and have a lot of basketball throughout the year”, he claimed.

“We have already been working on the return process of women’s basketball. This year we have worked throughout the year, we participate in the AmericupThe U14 and U17 women have been developing as well ”, he concluded.

Return of public

Another point that was discussed was about the return of the public to the fields, to which the president of the FVB commented: “We will have the presence of 40% of the public in the stadiums, but following all biosafety protocols. These are very important, as we have to ensure the health of our national team athletes who will compete in the 1st FIBA ​​qualifying window in November for the 2023 World Cup, ”said Coello.

The president of the FVB indicated that the stadiums will be divided into zones, some for the personnel present in the bubble and another for the external public.



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