Striking: Mazepin appears crying in front of the camera after qualifying

Lars Leeftink

Friday 12 November 2021 23:57 – Last update: 00:00

Nikita Mazepin will start last in the sprint race tomorrow. It is something the young Russian van Haas is used to by now. Still, emotions ran high after qualifying for the sprint race.

Mazepin was already emotional over the board radio after qualifying, and he couldn’t control these emotions in front of the camera. “I screwed up,” said the Russian after being defeated again by teammate Mick Schumacher in qualifying thanks to an error of his own.

Mazepin for the weekend in Brazil again discredited

Still, there could be something else behind Mazepin’s visible emotion. Before he even drove a minute at the beginning of this season, he was already discredited for his behavior off the track. It happened again this week, when leaked images clearly showed Mazepin being kicked out of a bar. This combination of circumstances may have caused the moment below.



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