Six years for robbery of a couple of convicts framed by hats |

NewTuscia – VIGNANELLO – Six years and a fine of 1200 euros each for armed robbery were imposed by the court of Viterbo on the pair of convicts from Vignanello, Stefano Ferrari and Alessia Ferr; the two, whose recognition would have been achieved thanks to the description by the victims of the baseball cap worn by the man and the green cap worn by the woman, will not be able to benefit from the suspension of the sentence, if it becomes definitive, due to the previous crimes against the heritage.

The facts in question date back to February 2014; the couple allegedly attempted to snatch a bag at the station, where they would snatch a pouch containing a wallet with 100 euros from a man, and a burglary at the home of an elderly person who recently went to live in a retirement home .

After the first robbery, which took place on February 2, the carabinieri would go after the two of them; on the 4th they are in the course of a stalking they would have lost sight of them, but the daughter of the man momentarily absent, warned by the neighbors, would have had time to drop the green cap on the woman while she was pushing her to escape. The hat was the one the agents had seen as they followed the couple, and in comparison with some photos, the daughter would have recognized both of them one hundred percent.


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