Serie A: Baby luck with player wife Zoe! Why a Bayern star is happy – football

Double luck for Lucas Hernández (25)!

The Bayern star is expecting his second child with his wife Amalia AND he will become an uncle for the first time. His brother Theo (24) becomes a father and has their first child with his girlfriend Zoe Cristofoli (25).

Photo: Instagram/zoe_cristofoli

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Theo Hernández and his Zoe show their baby bumpPhoto: Instagram/zoe_cristofoli

She is in her fourth month. The Milan kicker and the tattoo model have only just revealed the gender of their offspring: It will be a little footballer!

She writes about the video on Instagram in which they announce that they are expecting a boy: “My life. You are the meaning of everything. Theo, I love you, you will be the best dad in the world. “

The mom-to-be is perfectly round and happy on Instagram. Mama Laurence Py is also happy about the double baby luck with the French national team. She is already Martin’s grandmother. He is the son of Lucas.

Glamor couple Theo and Zoe are now crowning their on-off love with a baby and sharing their happiness on social media. She is followed by a million subscribers, 2.7 million by him. Soon you can all look forward to family photos as a threesome …



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