Scamacca, still problems in the family: the grandfather threatens a man at the bar with a knife

Last May his father had broken into Trigoria and damaged several cars with a baseball bat. Now the protagonist is the grandfather, arrested for aggravated threats, possession of a weapon and resistance to a public official

Once again the goals, his shots, his hope of carving out an important space in the football that counts, the one that recently saw him also wear the national team jersey, have nothing to do with it. Once again Gianluca Scamacca has to deal with something else, in spite of himself, with something for which he is not at fault and for which he is not responsible. So the Sassuolo striker ended up again in the chronicle of the Roman newspapers for reasons related to his paternal family.

The player, who has just returned from the national team, practically no longer has relations with them, but is again forced to deal with his family of origin. After his father, last May, had entered Trigoria with a baseball bat for reasons never really cleared up, his grandfather Salvatore, 62, walked into a bar in Fidene (northern suburb of Rome, where Gianluca also grew up) armed with a knife and threatened to kill a customer, pointing the blade inches from his throat.


Scamacca, according to the investigators’ account, was altered, in unclear conditions, but to force him to stop it was necessary to intervene by the police, with the policemen who first tried to calm him and then immobilized him with the come on, disarming him. Scamacca was arrested for aggravated threats, possession of a weapon and resistance to a public official. Another misadventure for the young Gianluca, another bad page of a past that no longer belongs to him.



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