Real Madrid: Less and less Hazard




Carlo Ancelotti I did not lie in the press conference prior to the game against Rayo. “Hazard is going to have minutes.” And he had them, specifically seven, to add a total of 12 in the last three Real Madrid games, adding the five before him Elche and none before him Shakhtar.

Outside eleven

The Italian coach did not advance the possible inclusion of the Belgian winger in the eleven against Rayo, at most

s expected. The low of


It seemed to open the door to the starting team, even if it was on the right wing, far from his best position. Finally that position went to Marco Asensio, who responded with a

notable match

, putting ground in between in his pulse with the ex of the


, waiting for what may happen with Rodrygo, currently on leave due to injury but to return after the international break.

So there seem to be two, the Brazilian and the Balearic, the players that Hazard has ahead of him in a position where he will enter with a shoehorn, because it is not his. Its natural position is the left wing, but hence there is no one who now moves to


, which has loaded Ancelotti with reasons to reverse the natural hierarchy on that side. In addition, the technician’s commitment to


, giving up the idea of ​​locating Hazard from

Half Point

In order not to touch the drawing, he further limits Hazard’s options of finding accommodation in the Italian coach’s eleven type.

Vini, way ahead

Carletto made it clear. In the preview of the duel against Osasuna, the Italian, usually prudent but also clear, left one of those phrases that go straight to the headlines.

“Hazard’s problem is that he has a coach who now bets on other players

“, said the Italian, confirming the promotion of Vini Jr and the loss of gallons of the ex of Chelsea. And this time they are not the


the cause of his ostracism. Hazard is, least of all outside,

fit to compete

, with no known mishap that impairs his performance, as has happened so many times since he landed in the club of the

It’s gray

. Although doubts about the real state of his


have not dissipated since that mishap in November


, the truth is that Hazard trains with the group and enters the list of Ancelotti. But he hardly plays. Twelve minutes out of 180 possible in the last three games. Less and less Hazard, on which yet another threat looms, and no less.

Kylian Mbapp

be, except cataclysm, a Madrid player from the summer of


, further limiting the Belgian’s playing options, for whom an exit from the white club is an increasingly feasible alternative.

The oasis of Belgium

Hazard must have with


the role that is denied him in Madrid. Shape, next to


, part of those cited for the next two combined of the

Red Devils

, against Estonia and Wales. Belgium needs only three points to ensure its presence in the World Cup.


, one of Hazard’s great challenges. Its importance in Belgium is such that even the fact of being secondary in Madrid does not detract from its status against

Roberto Martnez

, who keeps faith in his captain.

“He needs to play, not just train, to get back to his best level. I think these games can help him at club level too.

“, said the Spanish coach. And in Madrid there are still those who cross their fingers to be right.



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