Rahm resigns from Dubai final to be with his family

Jon Rahm He will not be in the final of the European Tour that takes place from 18 to 21 this month at the Jumeirah Golf Estates in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. According The mail, the Biscayan has decided to give up a date in which he started as a favorite to conquer the European circuit for the second year (he could be worth a second or third place) to spend more time with his family, especially with his son Kepa, born in April.

It has been a really exhausting year for Rahmbo, who has played more than 25 tournaments between PGA, European Tour, majors, World Championships and Ryder, he has suffered two positives for coronavirus (one that snatched a triumph almost done in the Memorial and a somewhat strange one that left him without Games), he has been a father, has won his first big (el US Open) and is about to spin 18 weeks in a row as number one.

After failing the cut last October in Valderrama he confessed saturated with golf and he left a door open to his absence in Dubai if circumstances did not advise it. Those circumstances have been a son whose first steps he does not want to lose, even less in a season in which he has performed, if not above expectations, then at the level of the player he already is, a world star of golf.

Presumably Rahm will no longer compete in this 2021, which concludes with a victory (and what a victory), the 12th of his career between PGA and European Tour without counting the Hero World Challenge of 2018. His comeback could occur in the Sentry Tournament of Champions, the Tournament of Champions that opens the year of the PGA Tour in Hawaii (USA).


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