Provincial semifinals at Club Argentino

During today Saturday and tomorrow Sunday they will be played in Chivilcoy, with the epicenter in the organizing club and a step on Sunday morning in Club Coln

The Argentine Club, as in 2019, is once again the organizer of the provincial semifinals of women’s basketball, which will have the participation of several teams, including the local club team, which although it arrives at this stage with little competition, the girls were third in the last Buenos Aires Games-, they have a chance to qualify; one of the strong teams comes from Sn Vicente, always a great animator of these instances. Carlos Aiello, president of the Argentine Club commented: These are the provincial semifinals of Category U15, which we have been fortunate to organize in two or three previous editions; It is a proposal that Federacin made us and we took the post; From the sporting point of view, the only thing that worries us is the little competition from our players, since as Chivilcoy does not have women’s basketball, the girls belong to the Junn League, which did not start this year. Two teams from Junn (Argentino and San Martín) are coming, Porteo de Chacabuco, Deportivo de San Vicente (a historic women’s basketball). Our team is led by a technical body that has Marcelo (Airllo) at the head, with Joaqun Joaqun Vega and Germn Guidobono, they are level 2 and 3 trained technicians, who have already been directing.

Regarding the small number of teams talking about the province, Aiello said: Although in the province there are not so many clubs with women’s basketball, the province is divided into zones. Two teams will qualify from this semifinal. In total there will be twenty games, almost everything is played in Argentina, except on Sunday morning that is divided and a part will play in Colón and we close in the afternoon also in Argentina. The teams that qualify ac will play with the teams from the coastal zone.

The organization

The president spoke about the organization: The delegations that come only have to pay for the trip, the rest for hotels and food – it is our responsibility. The city is going to have movement because the parents accompany us a lot and they have already called us who come from San Vicente and Junn. In the hotel part we have the help of the Municipality, with respect to the food we have been meeting with the parents for a long time and we have prepared the menes day by day; We must be grateful because everything is more complicated post Covid, it has to be all disposable. Everything was achieved and we do it (Milanesas, hamburgers, choripanes). The cost of entry is 200 pesos.

Carlos Aiello expressed at the end of the talk that the delegates’ meeting will be held at 8:00 am on Saturday and from 10 o’clock the matches begin to play uninterruptedly, the teams that play first are the ones that have lunch first and so on. successively.


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