NBA: Stephen Curry, what place does he deserve in history? Top 10, Top 5 … the best?

He is a master at what he does. He’s playing at an all-star, MVP, hall of fame level and you have to respect him for that.“. They are not just anybody’s words. It is one more sample of Kevin Durant’s admiration for a Stephen Curry who smashed his super-favorite Nets with a new scoring recital: 37 points and nine triples in just 29 minutes.

This last exhibition is just one more in the long history of a curry that has signed 37 games scoring at least nine 3-pointers in his career, being the only player in history to have exceeded that figure in more than 10 games. In his trajectory he adds five games scoring 35 points in less than 30 minutes, being the player who has achieved it the most times in the last 41 years.

In short, an exhibition that certifies that we are before the best shooter of all time, as he was already in charge of demonstrating in his last game when managed to pass Ray Allen as the player with the most 3s scored in NBA history with a total of 3,375 shots of three made by the 3,358 Allen … with 585 more games.

But these are just numbers that do not fully reflect the superiority on the court of a Curry who many times is not taken into account in the conversations of the best in history. They speak with justice of Jordan or LeBron, but not so much of a player who has completely changed the basketball paradigm with your game. Few players have been a greater revolution than the Warriors point guard in the development of a sport.

In those debates about the best in history, the record also comes into play and there it is not lame either. a curry without Klay Thompson by his side today he leads the NBA with 12 wins and two losses. The Akron player has been the cornerstone of one of the best teams in history as evidenced by his five finals, his three rings, the best record in a regular season in all of NBA history (73-9), the first unanimous NBA MVP and endless accolades that should put Curry higher in these debates. The position? That as each one decides.

And from one Curry to another who did not have his best night on the last day. The Philadelphia 76ers are not going through their best moment because of the absences and they need their supporting actors to endure this stretch of the season. However, before the Jazz relevant actors such as Seth Curry (-33 with him on the track) were shipwrecked with a game to be forgotten: one of eight in field goals.


  • Nets 99-117 Warriors
  • Jazz 120-85 76ers
  • Clippers 106-92 Spurs

And from one fall to another. Kevin Durant He finished the game against the Warriors with 19 points, but experienced one of the worst moments of his scoring career during the third quarter. The Nets forward had his sights twisted and missed all eight field goals he attempted during that period, tying the worst quarter of his career. Something that had not happened since 2011.

Los Angeles Clippers began the season hesitating by the absence of Kawhi Leonard. A casualty that greatly conditions Los Angeles residents and that shifts all responsibility to a Paul George who has not hidden and has taken the reins of a team that is fifth in the West after their triumph against the Spurs (106-92). A victory in which the forward was once again the best with 34 points (10 of 24 in field goals), nine rebounds, four assists and two steals.



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