NBA, Brooklyn Nets: Kyrie Irving ready to return to the field? The words of Steve Nash

New York has its new mayor: Eric Adams, second African American and second policeman in the history of the city to fill that role – born in poverty, was the president of the Brooklyn neighborhood and at the age of 61 he finds himself holding one of the most challenging political roles in the world. Among the many proposals (or promises, based on your political sentiment) advanced by the newly elected mayor of the Big Apple, there is to review the restrictions and rules of access to closed places based on the administration of the vaccine in the coming months. – rregulations currently preventing Kyrie Irving from accessing the Barclays Center and take part in the home games of the Nets. “We need to modulate and evaluate the restrictions according to the progress of the pandemic”, he explained, opening to the hypothesis of lifting the ban for the unvaccinated and thus guaranteeing access to work for thousands of citizens.

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Looking at the issue under the mere sporting aspect, this potential opening – we are talking about at least weeks, but the most accredited hypothesis moves the moment of intervention to the beginning of 2022 – could thus guarantee the return to the field of an All-Star like Irving in Brooklyn, who continues to ask for respect for his choice not to get vaccinated and remains out of the group and suspended indefinitely. Steve Nash can’t wait to have him back, also according to what was told to the microphones on the sidelines of the success against Atlanta: “I don’t want to make inappropriate comments, but I think if the regulation changes in New York, Kyrie would be welcome to join the team again “, well aware that such an addition – even if only from January – could change the scenarios in the spring for the New York team. A wall against a wall that could thus find a solution thanks to a providential “external” intervention: we will see what will happen in the coming weeks.



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