NBA: Another stick for Michael Jordan: “He has never done anything for the black community and there is no need to be afraid of him”

Michael Jordan, the great figure of the NBA in the 90s and considered by many as the best player of all time, has not won for clubs in recent weeks. First has been his faithful squire Scottie Pippen who has wanted to dismantle the myth about the legend of the ’23’ of the Bulls with the publication of his memoirs in which he dismisses Jordan as a bad partner, as selfish and as having “ruined basketball.

Michael Jordan took this free kick with his eyes closed.

And now he’s been the Boston Celtics player One’s Edges who has put the target on the back of a Jordan whom he accuses of having done nothing for his community despite his public relevance. Some accusations that his partner in the Bulls already made in his day Craig Hodges and that, according to him, cost him his NBA career.

Edges has never minded when talking about his political position and he regularly lives with controversy. The Turkish pvot went through the microphones of CNN and took the opportunity to stoke Jordan and his lack of help to black society in the United States.

At least LeBron has come out to be the voice of these oppressed people in America.

One’s Edges

“Not many people talk about Jordan, but Michael Jordan has done nothing for the black community in America. Nothing beyond putting money. We have to draw attention to these athletes. At least LeBron has come out to be the voice of these oppressed people in the United States, “said Kanter, who went one step further in his attack on the former Bulls player.

“But Jordan has done absolutely nothing for the black community in his country. He is overly concerned about the sales of his sneakers in the United States and around the world. I think we have to draw attention to this without being afraid of who these athletes are. “

Also against the owner of the Nets

Jordan has not been the only target of a Kanter who in recent weeks has not left a puppet with head with China as the main target of his attacks. The Celtics pvot has charged against Joe Tsai, owner of the Nets, whom he has described as “coward and puppet of the chinese government. Human rights are not Western values, they are universal values. ”



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