Moderna screams for help from her husband’s pain… green vomit

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A public petition was published asking for the causal relationship between the vaccine to be revealed, saying that a healthy father in his 50s underwent an emergency surgery for abdominal bleeding after the second dose of Moderna vaccine and was on the verge of death.

On the 27th of last month, on the website of the Blue House National Petition, a petition stating, ‘Please help my husband who has not been able to drink a sip of water for a month after urgent surgery due to abdominal bleeding after Moderna vaccination’ was uploaded.

The petitioner’s husband, Mr. A, was 183 cm tall and weighed 84 kg. He played badminton for over 20 years and did not neglect his health. Mr. A, who is self-employed, said, “My body is my property,” and did not drink or smoke.

According to the article, on September 28, after the second dose of Moderna, Mr. A felt only a slight fever and returned to normal life. Five days later, on October 2nd, he complained of severe abdominal pain, rolled around the living room, vomited and called 911 and was transferred to the emergency room of a nearby general hospital.

The petitioner explained, “My husband cried out, ‘Help me,’ even though he was given narcotic painkillers twice. He said the pain was indescribable. A CT scan showed his abdomen was full of blood, so he underwent emergency surgery.”

He continued, “The open operation lasted two and a half hours, and according to the medical staff, it was difficult to tell where the organ was because the stomach was full of blood. It is said that blood was gushing out from both arteries and veins.”

He continued, “Since this blood vessel near the back is only ruptured by a serious traffic accident or trauma, the surgeon was also puzzled by the intention of the operation, so he turned over my husband to check if there was any back trauma. I said no,” he added.

A completed the operation safely and was transferred from the intensive care unit to the general room to observe the condition. The petitioner said, “From the 11th, I started vomiting 1.5 liters of green water even if I only drank water. It’s been a month and I haven’t been able to drink a sip of water so far, so I insert a tube called a nasogastric tube and drain the gastric juice.”

/Picture=People's Petition at the Blue House

/Picture=People’s Petition at the Blue House

The petitioner said, “They say there is nothing they can do. If this method doesn’t work, they say that they will have to undergo surgery to connect the stomach and small intestine again. said

“After the father’s vaccination, our family was in a mess. The son in his 3rd year of high school is also worried about his father. Even if I try to understand why this happened, all I can think of is the side effects of the vaccine.”

Referring to the story of a 43-year-old woman who complained of bleeding after Moderna vaccine, he said, “As always, there is a high probability that the conclusion that there is no causal relationship to the vaccine is likely. It’s only a year old vaccine, so on what basis are you saying there is no causality? The government will have to closely investigate cases like ours.”

According to the COVID-19 Vaccination Response Promotion Team, as of the 28th of last month, a total of 338,261 cases of suspected adverse reactions after vaccination were reported. The report rate of suspected adverse reactions compared to the number of first and second vaccinations was 0.45%, and by vaccine, Moderna was 0.63%, Janssen 0.58%, AstraZeneca 0.52%, and Pfizer 0.37%.

A total of 1,145 deaths were reported, including 330 cases in which the patient’s status changed from developing an adverse event to death.

On October 28, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) announced that it had decided to form the “Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Committee” to relieve public anxiety about adverse reactions after vaccination. The committee is said to play a role in reviewing the investigation, analysis, and safety of vaccination and adverse reactions, and intensively reviewing cases in which adverse reactions are reported in Korea as well as overseas adverse reactions and research status.

By Kim Ye-rang, reporter at [email protected]


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