Media: Rode threatens the end of his career

Sebastian Rode repeatedly had to take longer injury breaks in his career. How long he’ll kick the ball depends on “Together with my physical condition, but now my knee was injured again”said Rode recently, “You have to be honest with yourself: at some point there will be an end.”

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The ‘Bild’ now reports that the final point could come as early as the summer. That is the one “Great concern” at Eintracht Frankfurt. Although Rode returned to the field in October after his fifth knee operation, so far it has only been enough for partial missions. The 31-year-old also struggled with knee complaints.

Delaney and Roca too expensive

Frankfurt’s sports director Markus Krösche says: “Seppl is an extremely important player for us. He has enormous quality and, above all, a lot of calm on the ball. We hope that he can gradually increase the load to help us. “ Rode’s contract runs until 2024 – it is apparently uncertain whether he can fulfill it.

Even in the previous transfer window, Eintracht had, according to ‘Bild’, an (too expensive) replacement in mind with ex-Dortmund Thomas Delaney (30), who then switched to FC Sevilla. For the winter, ‘Sport1’ recently brought Bavaria’s Marc Roca (24) into play, but his salary should also not be financed for the Hessians.


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