Lockdown: top sport without spectators, end for popular sport

Critique from Niessl

Hans Niessl, President of the Federal Sports Organization Sport Austria, said in a broadcast about the new restrictions: “It is difficult to understand that we are now facing the fourth lockdown and that all popular sport will be stopped again! To get to the point : Unfortunately, we haven’t learned from mistakes, especially in communication. Organized sport – and with it the health engine of the country – has already lost members to a dramatic extent through the last few measures reclaiming these people. “

Niessl pointed out that “sport is not one of the drivers of the infection process – recently only 0.3 percent could be traced back to it”. One saw in the lockdowns beforehand what devastating physical and psychological effects the closure had, especially in the field of youth sports. “It is therefore absolutely necessary to enable sport in the sports clubs immediately after this lockdown.”


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