Liverpool quickly take the lead and win over Atletico The news

Liverpool (Great Britain), Nov. 4, LETA. England’s Premier League club Liverpool won the UEFA Champions League fourth-round game on Wednesday, securing a place in the playoffs, which also included Amsterdam’s Ajax.

Liverpool beat the Spanish champion Atletico of Madrid 2: 0 (2: 0).

In the 13th minute of the match, the Liverpool players were led by Djogu Žota, who beat the opponents’ defender unhindered from the front of the goal. Trents Aleksandrs-Arnolds gave a great pass to Portugal.

Eight minutes passed and Sadio Mane scored 2: 0 for the home team. After several obvious shirt pulling incidents, Aleksandra-Arnolda got himself booked. The manager of Senegal was not happy.

36 minutes into the game, the visitors put themselves ahead 0 – 5 as Felipe finished off an attack from the left with a spectacular scissors kick.

Already in the second half, in the 48th minute, Liverpool scored the third ball into the away goal, but after the involvement of the Video Referee Assistant System (VAR), it was found that the exact shot of Žota was in the back at the time of the pass. There were several more opportunities for the home team, but the next time the ball reached the second goal, the court also found a back before the episode, so the result remained unchanged.

Liverpool’s attacks waned in the second half and the result remained the same.

AC Milan, which has won seven times in Europe, is close to not entering the playoffs, with Milan playing at home 1: 1 (0: 1) with Porto.

Luisa Diasa had a magnificent opportunity after 61 minutes as Chansel Mbemba hit the ball hard from the edge of the penalty box. However, the shot went wide.

In Group B, the leader with a maximum of 12 points in four fights is Liverpool, five points are for Porto footballers, four are for Atletico, while AC Milan has only one point.

Meanwhile, Real Madrid reached the limit of 1,000 goals scored in Europe’s most prestigious club tournaments and won the Donetsk Shakhtar 2: 1 (1: 1) at home.

Karim Benzema reached the significant number in the 14th minute, who in the second half, scoring 1001 goals in the club’s history in the UEFA Champions League in the 61st minute, reached 2: 1. In both goals he was assisted by Vinisius Žuniors. Fernando scored the goal for the opponents in the first half.

In the second match of this group, the “Sheriff” of Tiraspol won the Milan “Inter” with the result 3: 1 (0: 0). Marcelo Brozovič, Milan Škrinjar and Aleksis Sanchez scored for the Italian club, but Adam Traore stood out for the homeowners during the compensation.

In sub-group D, the first place with nine points is taken by “Real”, seven points are given to the “Inter” team, six have been accumulated by “Sheriff” footballers, while “Šahtar” account has only one point.

In another match, Paris-Saint-Germain (PSG), playing without Lionel Messi, played a 2: 2 draw with Liepzig.

Christopher Nunkunk was led by Leipzig in the eighth minute, but four minutes later Andrelu Silva’s 11-meter penalty was neutralized by Janluidzi Donnarumma, not allowing the German club to double the lead. Until the half-time break, Giorgio Weinaldum scored two goals for the Parisians.

PSG was ahead until the second minute of the second half compensation time, in which Dominik Sobosla scored an 11-meter penalty kick and scored 2: 2.

The victory in this group was also won by Manchester City, which prevailed over Club Brugge at home with 4: 1 (1: 1).

In the first half, Phil Fouden scored 1: 0, but John Stone’s goal shot made him shine 1: 1 on the scoreboard. In the second half, in the 54th minute, Riyadh Mahres regained control of the home team, but later Rahim Sterling and Gabriel Jessus came to the rescue.

In subgroup A, the Manchester team is in the lead with nine points, eight for the Paris club, four for the Bruges team and one for the Leipzig footballers.

In a tense match, Amsterdam’s Ajax defeated Dortmund’s Borussia 3: 1 (0: 1), securing a place in the quarterfinals.

Matss Hummels left the home team in the minority in the 29th minute, but it did not prevent him from taking the lead in the 37th minute, reaching Marko Roiss 1: 0. The Dortmunds were in the lead until the 72nd minute, when Dušan Tadič equalized the result, but seven minutes before the end of the regular time, Sebastjan Ale reached 2: 1. During the compensation, David Klassen scored the point for Ajax’s victory.

In the second match of this group, Lisbon “Sporting” defeated Istanbul “Besiktas” on their field with 4: 0 (3: 0). Pedro Gonsalvesch stood out twice for the Portuguese, but Paulinja and Pavlo Sarabia scored one goal.

In group C, the leader with 12 points is “Ajax”, the teams with “Borussia” and “Sporting” scored six points, but “Bešiktaš” is beige.

In the UEFA Champions League group tournament, 32 teams are divided into eight groups of four each. The first two enter the next round, the third moves to the Europa League, but the fourth European Cup season is over.

The finals of this season will take place on May 28 in St. Petersburg, Russia.

In the 2020/2021 season, in the final of the league competition in the Portuguese city of Porto, London “Chelsea” beat Manchester City “1: 0.


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