Lazio, Property in the field only to be rewarded. Yesterday the test, today the exams: the situation

PRESS REVIEW – At the Olimpico he will only enter to be rewarded by Lotito and applauded by fifty thousand fans for the record won Silvio Piola. Ciro Immobile will most likely miss the match against Juventus, ma la Lazio has prepared a ceremony of respect for his center-forward, who has forcefully entered the history of the club. Yesterday he trained by exchanging his refectory with Muriqi in the most “full” of reserves. All the signs suggest that Sarri deploys the light trident formed by Anderson, Pedro and Zaccagni. He himself, however, had rekindled hopes at the press conference: “The edema has been reabsorbed, a small sign remains that could suggest some kind of risk. For tomorrow (today, editor’s note) a further check is expected).”

A couple of hours later Ciro took the field. He is better, almost recovered, but for the doctors of the Lazio there are still no certainties to use it after two weeks of stop. These are the sensations that leaked from Formello. This morning, reports the press review of Radio egg, should not be on the list of summoned. From Monday he will return to training with the group and Sarri expects to have him available against Locomotive from the first minute. We need caution, the Biancoceleste striker knows it well. He was hurt with the Salerno, as he explained in Coverciano and in the talks with Lotito. The effort sustained after playing two games with a slight distortion led him to a longer stop. There does not seem to be a need to take any more risks.

Lazio – Juventus, tomorrow the decision on the building: other checks are planned

Lazio – Juventus, where to watch the game on TV and streaming



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