Junior today: criticism of Arturo Reyes for taking out Ferlys García changed against Santa Fe | BetPlay League | Colombian Soccer | Betplay League

Arturo Reyes does a good campaign with Junior in the BetPlay II-2021 League, however, the fans in Barranquilla do not like that he is the technical director of the shark. And this Sunday, against Santa Fe in El Campín, he had a gesture with one of his players that the fans did not like.

Ferlys García, a 19-year-old forward, was a starter in Junior. The shark went ahead 0-1 at 10 minutes, with the goal of the Argentine Fabián Sambueza, and from that moment Junior did not attack more in the first half. The young attacker Garcia did not see her again.

At 37 minutes, Arturo Reyes made the first change, I did not wait for the end of the first half to remove Ferlys García and enter the experienced Carmelo Valencia. The youth left sad and began to cry when he sat on the substitute bench.

The change of Arturo Reyes fell badly among the Junior fans and among those who were watching the game, because it is not understood how the coach, who had been working as a coach for the Colombia Under-20 National Team, exposes so much to a youth.

Criticism on social networks was very strong against the Junior coach.



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