Ivana Gottová about the singer: Only the two of us are women with whom Karel …

„Dasha and Honza Smigmator meant and mean two unreal talents for my husband and, of course, for me, which we have always immensely admired. My husband has always spoken of Dash as a talent that is born once in a hundred years, and we have one thing in common. Only the two of us are women with whom Karel lasted exactly twenty years (two decades Dasha with Karel Gott collaborated as a vocalist – note). And Honza Smigmator is, like Karel, a symbol of gentlemanship, decency and professionalism for me, “said Ivana Gottová. (45).

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“The recording of Karl’s voice, which we now use with the permission of Ivana Gottová, was made in 2010-11 during the recording of the album Sentiment, which was preserved in the radio archive in individual tracks, and therefore it was possible to separate Gott’s voice and reuse it to create a new recording. “Jan Smigmator commented on the virtual recording with the legendary Karel Gott (✝80) on the Super.cz website.

The disgrace of the Skořepová grave! Where is the urn? And a critique of Gott’s daughters to a film about him



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