Interview with the reconquest summoned to the Argentina U-17 Soccer Team that is preparing for the South American to qualify for the World Cup

Froilán Díaz in the AFA dressing room in Ezeiza.

The reconquest Froilán Díaz, Goalkeeper of the 2006 category of Unión de Santa Fe, he is trained with the U-17 National Team at the AFA grounds, in Ezeiza, where on Tuesday they started with training with a view to participating in the next South American Tournament, qualifying for the World category.

My hair stood on end, a huge emotion for me and my family

The only 16-year-old archer, son of Maria Rosa Gonzalez and the truck driver Froilán DiazHe said that he was born and lived in the San Martín de Reconquista neighborhood, until at age 12 he moved to the Club Unión pension in Santa Fe.

In Reconquista he attended elementary school in 6044. He remembers when he visited them as a child Gabriel Batistuta, another that passed through that historic establishment in the city.

The inferior ones made them in the Platense Club Porvenir, also like the maximum glory that the reconquest football gave.

About his move as a child to the Union pension, he confessed that At first, at night I missed my Dad a lot, he was not adapted“.

At the beginning of the night I missed my Dad a lot, he was not adapted.

But he was adapting when he began to talk to the other boys who share the pension with him, “There you take it calmer, you find yourself accompanied”.

Due to the pandemic, there are fifteen boys in total, housed two per room. We’re like brothers, we coexist every day “, added.

With the National Team, they train in the morning at the AFA grounds, and then they return it to the hotel where they host the boys from the interior. He claimed to feel “well attended”, and that although he has free time and freedom, he takes care of himself and is not going out to tour the big city because he is afraid of being mugged, he knows that Buenos Aires “It is not the same as Reconquista.”

He was enthusiastic because this Thursday the coach of the inferiors returns to train them, Pablo Aimar, who recently joined the technical body of Lionel Scaloni in the qualifying rounds of the majors.

Froy revealed that when he told his parents that they summoned him to train with the National Team, they started crying“.

He said that when he arrived at the AFA premises, they provided him with all the official clothing of the National Team, except the boots, which is a personal option, he chooses them and his representative buys them. The gloves were given to him by the titular goalkeeper of Union, Sebastian Moyano.

Your DT in Union is Diego Velazquez; and the goalkeeper coach is Mauro Trucco. Valued that He teaches us every day and every day we improve more. It teaches us to order the defense and not to attack us too much, we have to yell at the defenders so that they wake up when they send a baton. “

“Froy”, as they say, he confessed that he admires the current goalkeeper of the Senior National Team, Dibu Martínez.

While training in Santa Fe, he is in his junior year of high school on the night shift, where he trains in double shift.


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