“I put all my wages in cash under my mattress”

If the pay that accompanies the status of NBA player is necessarily a dream, all those who receive it do not necessarily know all the tricks of money management. Instead, ask a league legend, who admits to having literally slept on his fortune … for two years!

A magnificent social springboard, the NBA allows players from all walks of life to prosper thanks to their talent as basketball players. The fairy tales of stars born and raised in poverty, and who have now become millionaires, are numerous throughout history. Derrick Rose, Jimmy Butler or even Giannis Antetokounmpo are for example one of the current icons, who grew up in deplorable conditions before making a name for themselves.

Kevin Garnett and his cash padded mattress

Before them, Kevin Garnett has also managed to escape precariousness and dangerous neighborhoods, to place himself in the end as one of the best players of his time and of all time. Passing through Jimmy Kimmel’s chair in recent days, the former loudmouth of the Timberwolves and the Celtics has notably revealed… not having been able to manage his money in the best possible way during his first years in the league.

I was from Chicago, and I was brought up in a certain family context, with a particular way of thinking. I didn’t know anything about finance and all that. I had no expertise in this. I had never heard of direct transfers, none of that. So when I got my salary in check, I was going to turn it into cash, and put it under my mattress! I did this for two years, Jimmy!

For lack of having received the necessary advice, KG had therefore adopted this dangerous habit of keeping his fortune in small denominations at home. A risky habit, which earned him some nasty surprises.

I had a girlfriend at the time, and the only thing I was saying was, “If you take any money here, just put a note that you owe me so much, so I will know.” . Because I knew exactly how much money I had in there. I had worked out a whole system. So when I lifted the mattress and saw the money was gone, I knew someone had been there.

It turns out that his method strangely did not bear fruit, and ultimately forced him to more securely hold his earnings.

I left this woman shortly after, and when I looked under the mattress, there were lots of little notes! So it was about time I put it all in the bank.

An expert in NBA rackets, Kevin Garnett was much less so when it came to finance. Fortunately, reality quickly caught up with him, and allowed him not to have all his money extorted!


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