HSV: Does the club gamble away at Heuer Fernandes? – 2nd Bundesliga

Daniel Heuer Fernandes (28) had to pass against Kiel (1: 1) with a capsule injury. On Saturday in Karlsruhe, Hamburg’s No. 1 should be back in the box.

This season Fernandes is one of the strongest HSV professionals this season. The chemistry is right with Tim Walter (45). The coach and the strong goalkeeper are on the same wavelength when it comes to the game philosophy. Walter made Heuer Fernandes a manager.

It is all the more surprising that the contract negotiations have so far been completely suspended. The keeper’s contract expires in the summer. So far, there have been no concrete discussions with the club.

Sports director Jonas Boldt (39) said a few days ago: “I don’t have the feeling that he (Heuer Fernandes, editor) is nervous, that we are nervous. We are in a good exchange. “

And further: “He knows what he has in us. We know all the more what we have in him. “

Nice words which, according to BILD information, have not yet been followed by any deeds. Is the HSV gambled away?

The fact is: According to the statutes, Heuer Fernandes, who basically likes it at HSV and in Hamburg, could sign with another club in January. There have already been initial discussions with interested parties.

The case is somewhat reminiscent of Simon Terodde (33).

With the striker, who scored 24 goals for Hamburg last season, niceties were also exchanged in public for months.

In the end, Schalke grabbed Terodde. Even if at significantly better salary conditions than in Hamburg, the deal has paid off for the relegated. Terodde has already scored eleven goals after twelve games.

HSV no longer has a Terodde …



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