For Kimmich, the corona vaccination is not off the table

Dthe fact that the most prominent unvaccinated person in this country has also become infected with Corona at FC Bayern is causing inevitable malice on the internet. In the reality of autumn 2021, however, this case is primarily evidence of scientific expertise that cannot be denied, at least not without consequences.

The latest sentence from the Minister of Health, according to which after this winter all people in Germany will either have been vaccinated, recovered or died, also aptly includes the case from Munich. Kimmich was one of 75,961 people who became infected in one day. There have never been so many.

The pressure to act will grow

One can only hope for Kimmich that, on the other hand, the scientifically based prediction also applies to him, according to which a young and otherwise healthy and fit man of his age has comparatively little to worry about serious consequences. The fact that the Bayern leader will now be absent from the top game in Dortmund, after he was last taken out of the game twice after contact with an infected person as an unvaccinated person, hits his employer for the first time at a sportingly unfavorable time.

In the fourth wave, the Bavarians are more severely affected by Corona than ever in the 21 months of the pandemic. That too: A mirror of the situation when the virus hits a federal state with a low vaccination rate and can produce high numbers of cases.

After a hopefully mild course of the disease and full recovery, Kimmich will be through with the vaccination issue in the short term, but with a view to the 2022 World Cup it should come back on the table with scientific certainty. The booster is now also an inseparable part of the second Corona winter – and thus also of German football.



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