Football association surprised about fiscal discount from Minister Van Peteghem: “His figures are not correct” | Belgian Football

Belgian footballProfessional football has now, with surprise the interview read that Minister of Finance Vincent Van Peteghem gave to Het Laatste Nieuws and De Morgen and that this evening appeared online on the and sites. In that interview, Van Peteghem makes it seem that his revised text of the tax shift in professional football would be a concession to the sector.

The minister clarifies that his fiscal restructuring finally meets what has been agreed in the budget agreement – in particular an impact for professional football of 13 million euros. The clubs would each receive a €12 million discount on their taxes, provided one half goes to youth academy and the other half to infrastructure.


The budget for youth football at our top clubs also includes the tutors of the players, social guidance, the drivers of the vans… All of the discount may no longer be used for this.

Auditor General at the Football Association, Nils Van Brantegem

Professional football says that Minister Van Peteghem presents a few things too beautifully, but above all: his figures would not be correct.

Auditor General at the football association, Nils Van Brantegem, is prepared to respond on the record.

“We have been able to view the revised text of the minister, and the measures do go further than the agreed 13 million euros. A minimalist calculation of mine, based on neutral figures from annual accounts and individual accounts, results in an impact of at least 27 million. And I think that sum is going to rise even higher.”

Vincent Van Peteghem. © Florian Van Eenoo

Because, the Van Peteghem plan provides that the tax exemption should only be used for youth football – in this case youth trainers.

Van Brantegem: “The budget for youth football at our top clubs also includes the players’ tutors, social guidance, the drivers of the vans… All of the discount may no longer be used for that.”

Many clubs wonder whether Minister Van Peteghem is aware of the scope of his measures. He wants to stimulate youth football, but with this plan he will hit the top clubs that invest the most in (the social role of) youth football.

Van Branteghem discussed this with the minister’s cabinet, which included the complaints in the text, but apparently is not taking any further steps. Professional football is standing on its hind legs and is counting on further consultation.

Radja Nainggolan.

Radja Nainggolan. © Photo News

Also read:

Van Peteghem saves top football clubs: Minister of Finance raises tax discount per club from 4 to 12 million euros (+)


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