Fedez desecrates Church and society in the video clip for his single “Morire Morire”. And it goes boom

from Massimiliano Tripodo

Attacked by thugs, stabbed by a priest and executed by machine gun shots: it is not Tarantino’s new film but Fedez’s latest video clip. “Die Die” is the title of the song that will be part of the album “Inhuman” out on November 26th. The video, which already has over a million views, ranks first in YouTube music trends.

The images largely reflect the lyrics of the song, with little veiled criticism of the Church and society: “You can’t wait for me to go on tour So for a month I get up from the cxxxx But then you call me back you want more Like the buildings of the Vatican”.


The video begins with Fedez walking accompanied by two bodyguards, after a few moments, those who appear to be journalists, attack him waving microphones and notebooks. The situation quickly degenerates when a heterogeneous group of people verbally and physically attack him and throw vegetables at him. Some thugs also intervene who beat Fedez with baseball bats, kicks and punches leaving him in pain on the ground. It is at this moment that an elegant man with a tricolor sash arrives, apparently a mayor, who humiliates the singer by urinating on him. Two girls and a boy approach and take the opportunity to recover while dancing on the stage. Among the selfies of passers-by, the singer is dragged on a stretcher and led to an outdoor church by masked men. There he is first stabbed by a priest and finally executed under machine gun shots.

There are several ideological messages and criticisms of institutions that could be read among the images in the video. The apparently indifferent society which, instead of helping the weak, seeks to draw social interactions from it; journalists, looking for statements and scoops to stir the crowds; the politicians, free to humiliate the defenseless.

What cannot be freely interpreted are the numbers that, once again, give reason to Fedez’s communication choices. “For better or for worse, as long as you talk about it” wrote Oscar Wilde in 1890, and Fedez must know it well as “Die Dying”, released on November 2, already has over 600,000 plays on Spotify and more than 1,000,000 views on Youtube.

At the end of the video the work appears “The Pessimistic Narcissist” by Francesco Vezzoli, an artist from Brescia. A white marble bust, on the right, tries to kiss another, black bust, which moves away in disgust.


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