FC Barcelona have received a Saudi offer for their sponsor

If FC Barcelona is already planning the next winter transfer window in order to satisfy Xavi’s requirements, the club must also work to find a new sponsor for its jersey. Indeed, the partnership with Rakuten, which pays around € 30m per season, will end in June 2022. The Blaugranas have received an offer from Saudi Arabia, according to theEFE, Spanish press agency. It would be a Saudi investment fund ready to put € 100 million.

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But the Catalans have other offers, which they prefer to this one, in particular because the club recently “adapted the statutes to expressly recognize the fundamental and elementary principles of the human being, contained in the Universal Declaration of the rights of Man ”, as written Sports world. Barça would like to earn around € 55m with this new sponsorship, which is what he perceived from Rakuten before the pandemic.


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