Due to a shortage of Marshals at the Mandalika Circuit, the 2021 Asia Talent Cup Race has been canceled : Okezone Sports

MANDALIKA – Bad news came from the Mandalika Circuit, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), where two 2021 Idemitsu Asia Talent Cup (IATC) races were confirmed to be cancelled. The race was canceled because the Mandalika Circuit could not meet the minimum requirements for the marshal who served at each post as a form of security.

As is known, the Mandalika Circuit is scheduled to debut as an international race track at the IATC 2021. This race will take place on 12-14 November 2021.

The qualifying session itself already took place on Saturday 13 November 2021. However, the two races that were supposed to be held on Sunday could not be held as planned.

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Supposedly, the first race of the IATC Mandalika 2021 took place at 11:00 WIB. While the second race is scheduled to start running at 15:00 WIB.

Unfortunately, the first race then had to be cancelled. This follows the lack of available marshals or track officers. Initially, the second race was expected to be held, but similar problems also faced.

According to FIM regulations, there should be at least eight marshals in each post. However, this cannot be fulfilled by the Mandalika Circuit.

The 2021 Asia Talent Cup race has been canceled at the Mandalika Circuit

In fact, every racer who participated had entered the track and prepared to start the race. However, they were then forced to enter, due to the lack of officers on the track.

The existence of the marshal itself is very important to ensure the safety of the drivers. Each post is required to have a medical team and other officers, if something untoward happens.


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