Cuatro y Medio: Jokin Altuna: «People who go to the fronton appreciate you for your level, not for having a txapela more or less»

Jokin Altuna poses in Amezketa’s Larrunarri fronton in the days leading up to Sunday’s final. / IÑIGO ROYO

He plays his ninth individual final against a Laso whom he sees as «big ball shine» and wears the previous hours «more naturally than before»

Gaizka Lasa


Unai Laso, his rival on Sunday in the Cuatro y Medio final, is not the only one who says he is “the best” player today. Always smart and brilliant, a fronton virtuoso, he has gained in stroke and physical power to become an expert in individual finals.

– One more. And there are nine, the sixth in a row in the cage.



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