Cristiano Ronaldo rebuts France Football editor before the Golden Ball delivery

Candidate to win another Ballon d’Or, Cristiano Ronaldo used his social media profile to counter France Football editor Pascal Ferré. In addition to confirming his absence from the French magazine’s awards, this Monday (29), Manchester United’s 7 shirt called Ferré a liar.

Pascal had claimed that CR7 confided in him the desire to have more golden balls than Messi. It is worth remembering that the award given by the French magazine precedes the awarding of the best player in the world given by FIFA.

“Today’s outcome explains why Pascal Ferré’s statements last week, when he said that I confided in him that my only ambition was to finish my career with more Golden Balls than Lionel Messi,” Ronaldo denied.

“Pascal Ferré lied, he used my name to promote himself and to promote the publication he works for. It is unacceptable that the person responsible for awarding such a prestigious prize could lie in this way, in absolute disrespect for someone who has always respected France Football and the Ballon d’Or. And he lied again today when justifying my absence from the Gala with an alleged quarantine that has no reason to exist”, he explained.

“I always congratulate those who win, within the sport and fair play that have guided my career since the beginning, and I do it because I’m never against anyone. I always win for myself and for the clubs I represent, I win for myself and for those who love me. I don’t win against anyone”, said the Portuguese.

“The biggest ambition of my career is to win national and international titles for the clubs I represent and for my country’s national team. The biggest ambition of my career is to be a good example for all those who are or want to be professional footballers. The biggest ambition of my career is to leave my name written in golden letters in the history of world football”, he warned.

“I end by saying that my focus is already on Manchester United’s next game and on everything that, together with my team-mates and our fans, we can still achieve this season. The rest? The rest is just the rest.”, he finished.

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