Combined Martial System – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Name Combined Martial System for its acronym (S.M.C) is a combat system whose technical programming derives from the martial arts karate, judo, aikido, kobudo, ninjutsu, wrestling, krav maga and knife combat. He was born on October 22, 2016, after a period of development in the city of Puerto Cabello, Carabobo State, Venezuela. The origin of this modern combat and personal defense system responds to the need to use a diversity of self-defense techniques against the most varied aggressions, with proven effectiveness, learning through a pedagogy adapted to the current world. The selection of the best techniques for self-defense, from various martial arts (karate, judo, aikido, kobudo, ninjutsu, wrestling, krav maga, knife combat, etc.), their purification, forms a scientific, rational system of self-defense and progressive, which achieves maximum performance with minimum effort.

Founded by Freddy Villegas, a martial artist, with more than 28 years of practice. He is also the writer of several works devoted to the philosophy and history of martial arts and physical culture. He is 3rd Dan Shotokan Karate Black Belt, 2nd Dan Karate Shito Ryu Black Belt, 3rd Dan Judo Jujutsu Black Belt, 1st Dan Judo and Aikido Black Belt. He has practiced a considerable amount of eastern and western martial arts, such as Wing Chun, Kick Boxing, Kobudo, Krav Maga, Ninjutsu among others. His teaching activity leads him to teach personal defense classes both in the civil sphere (academies and outdoor development) and in the army (national and local police, security guards and bodyguards), continuous classes and intensive courses.

The Combined Martial System It is already practiced in 7 departments in Colombia that have the main headquarters. Abroad it has been introduced in Venezuela, Guyana, Chile, Cuba, Uruguay, Argentina, Spain and Kenya.

Technical development

The technical development of this combat system is based on a group of sets that develop the disciple from the simplest to the most complex. Their sets are divided into:

– Elemental: Defined as the set of elementary technical procedures for all our disciples. Among them, the teaching of postures, movements, falls and bearings, as well as the incorporation of the necessary theories of knowledge of our system and organization.

Offensive – Defensive: The arsenal of punches, kicks and defense of the combined martial system is unlimited, since any part of the human body is susceptible to being used as a natural weapon (hands, feet, elbows, knees, head, hips, shins, etc.). The combinations are very wide and the resources varied. The groups of punches, kicks, and blocks come from karate, wing chun, kick boxing, and krav maga. It is convenient to train on a firm footing and on the move, both individually and in combinations.

– Withdrawal: to this set belong the technical groups that allow the physical and mental destabilization of the opponent, in this case knockdowns, submissions and imbalances.

– Projections: This set is the development of the techniques of projecting the body of Judo and Jiujitsu, as well as a variety of immobilizations, joint locks, work on the floor and strangulations that lead to easy prey on our opponent.

– Controls: This set involves the control of the body and the throwing techniques of Aikido. With this the neutralization of the opponent to the empty or armed hand.

– Weapons: This set is related to the common learning of traditional weapons of martial arts and weapons of occasional use, entering into realistic combat with these.

– Tactical – Operational: This set encompasses techniques already learned in a real combat environment, including the use of the knife as an iconic military weapon and the baton as a police defense base. Combat strategies are developed for various defensive purposes.


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