Cali – Pereira live online: BetPlay League home runs, live

Deportivo Cali

The team led by Rafael Dudamel this semester has already defeated Pereira in the free-for-all phase, they did it 2-1 at home. Although he has not scored in the last two games he has played, they trust that against Pereira they can celebrate again to start the home runs on the right foot.

“All the coaches have important background, we have our experience of international competitions, we will put it to the benefit of the team, the scrolls must be presented to be revalidated in each game, and if that gives us a certain advantage, we will know how to take advantage of it,” said the DT in the previous game.

Cali this season has managed to consolidate a strong team in defense and although it has cost him a bit in the offensive phase, the coach is confident that with Teo’s experience and the ability of his other attackers they can balance the team’s performance.


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