Bronze to the brothers of art Martina and Antonio Capezzuto

Capezzuto squared. To Papa’s delight Ignatius close i Tricolors under 15 with the same result. They are on the third step of the podium, Martina and Antonio, to continue the family tradition. To the PalaPellicone the two brothers of the tatami wear a heavy bronze medal around their necks.

“After the Italian title won in July in the 52 kg, I was hoping to repeat the success, despite the change of category (57 kg)”, explains the judoka daughter of art. “In the semifinal I was unable to recover the wazari I had suffered,” he admits, positioning himself behind Elisa Aspico (Asd Judo Vanzago) ed Erica D’Alessandro (Sporting Club Paradise), on an equal footing with Marika Cavaglia (Asd Centro Judo Bra). “I am very happy for my brother Antonio and I am sure that next time the two medals will be of a different color”, the athlete of the Judo Fuorigrotta.

It does not happen every day to complete the competition with the same outcome. «It was a difficult race, a Ostia I dreamed of winning but I’m happy with how the 2021 edition of the Italian Championships Beginners BHe observes Capezzuto junior. “I dedicate this medal to my grandfather (-master) Antonio and dad Ignatius, which gave me the passion for judo », he says, ending the review behind Thomas Sassi (Judo Shiai), Francesco lapi (Ippon Club) equally con Matteo Gualandi (Judo Grosseto).

So they can cheer up dad Ignatius, assistant chief coordinator of the State Police and technician of Gold Flames Sports Group at the structure of the IV Reparto Mobile and the new headquarters of the Crystalline 73 In the Health District, grandfather Antonio, one of the founders of Naples toad. Always third another athlete from the youth section of the Gold Flames, Gennaro Esposito (81 kg). The family Capezzuto keep on winning medals and reaping successes. With Antonio e Martina we are now in the third generation on the mat. This time i bronzes I’m not from Riace But say Fuorigrotta.



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