Bonn new table leader in the BBL, basketball Bundesliga – news ticker

After a clear lead (63: 45/26th minute) the Rhinelander had to tremble for their home win (81: 78/38th). But Bonn had better nerves in the final phase. Parker Jackson-Cartwright and Karsten Tadda were the best throwers in Bonn with 16 points each.

In contrast, promoted MLP Academics Heidelberg missed the top spot with an 87:89 (40:43) against medi Bayreuth. In an exciting final phase, two converted free throws from Bayreuth’s Cameron Wells made the decision.

ratiopharm Ulm won the fourth win of the season with a 90:76 (42:37) at the Löwen Braunschweig. The guests started furiously and led after ten minutes with 32:14. The Lower Saxony turned the match with a 21-0 run and were ahead with 35:32 after 16 minutes. Ulm was unimpressed and went into the dressing room with a 42:37 lead. Even after the break, coach Jaka Lakovic’s team was more accurate and won the game. The best shooter was Ulm’s Jaron Blossomgame with 22 points.

The Hakro Merlins Crailsheim expanded their positive run in the league impressively and won for the third time in a row. At the Jobstairs Gießen 46ers, the team of coach Sebastian Gleim clearly won with 104: 70 (54:30). Jaren Lewis was the best thrower among the guests with 20 points.

Stand: 06.11.2021, 22:43


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