Basketball / Pro B. Change is now at ASA!

By winning against Tours last week, Rouen clinched his first success of the season and is no longer the only one last. The happiness of some causing the misfortune of others, the Alliance Sport Alsace finds itself supporting the Rouennais at the end of the ranking. A situation far from the ambitions displayed this summer by the Souffel-Gries Agreement.

“Some leaders do not pull the group up”

“I have repeated enough to my players that we had put the institution in danger. We are relegable, we have to win the matches and that will require awareness, insists Stéphane Eberlin. We must now find the levers to get out of the situation in which we have put ourselves. We are in the hard, we must succeed in getting out of it. And things will change this Saturday. “

The Alsatian coach does not mince his words. If he agreed for a long time that the preparation had been disrupted, that the late arrival of players had postponed the implementation of the game or that injuries had not spared his team, Stéphane Eberlin does not seek any excuse for the behavior of its players.

On the contrary, he clearly regrets the lack of esprit de corps in his group. “There are times when it’s okay and times when we have air holes. At such times, some give up. Today, some leaders do not pull the group up, things have to change and the group has to regain esprit de corps. Salvation will not come through individuals but through collective reaction. There has to be awareness. “

This new state of mind should be visible from tonight against the Lorraine, 4it is with four wins for two losses, well-known opponents of the Alsatians.

Winning the rebound fight

“We have already played Nancy twice ( in Leaders Cup, Editor’s note ) and, each time, we were dominated on the rebound. We know that it is in this sector that we will have to win the fight to resist. We have to play each match as if we were playing our own skin, “loose the technician from Lower Rhine, who multiplies the war metaphors to evoke the commitment he expects from his men.

Failing to succeed in beating Antony Labanca and the Nancéiens, who will obviously want to return to success after the defeat conceded to Denain, the band to Jason Bach will at least have to shake them up, lead them hard, push them to their limits.

Everything that the Alsatians could not do last week against Nantes …


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