Baseball for the Blind, Bper-Leonessa BXC partnership

(red.) Bper Banca’s commitment to local sports activities continues through the support of the ASD Leonessa Baseball for the Blind, to date the only baseball team for the blind in the province of Brescia.

During the presentation of the partnership agreement, which was held a few days ago at the “Balestrieri” gym, Giuliano Balducchi, Brescia East Area Manager of BperBanca, underlined: “Bper has always promoted initiatives and projects with a high social return, because it believes that support for this type of reality create real value for its customers and for the community. In fact, being the local bank means supporting social enterprises, assistance to families and the creation of projects capable of combining sports and social activities ”.

During the meeting Fabrizio Benzoni, Councilor Brescia municipal authority with responsibility for sport, in turn stated: “First of all, I would like to thank Bper Banca, which once again demonstrates great sensitivity towards an issue of high social value such as that of inclusion. It is important that these associations collaborate with valuable partners, which allow them to continue the activity they have been carrying out with great commitment for years ”.

Leonessa BXC was born in December 2017 thanks to the commitment of Sarwar Ghulam, who is part of the board of directors of LIBCI (Italian Baseball League for the Blind and Visually Impaired) and Barbara Menoni, recently elected councilor in the Italian Baseball Softball Federation (FIBS), who after an experience in the Milanese team they are committed to bringing blind baseball to their hometown; the Brescia association currently has 25 members between players and assistants. It is a very technical discipline, which with few adjustments and the team collaboration of some sighted players becomes, for those who cannot see, a splendid opportunity to practice a sport in freedom and autonomy. La Leonessa ASD aims to create opportunities for meeting and comparison, but also for socializing and personal growth for boys and girls who often remain marginalized due to visual problems.

To reach young people, ASD Leonessa promotes its activity through social channels and in collaboration with educational institutions. A work carried out even during the difficult pandemic period through the launch of the “Demo in DAD” project, which made it possible, with the use of virtual systems, to encourage young people to approach this sport.


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