A square of flying aces in Montluçon (Allier) this weekend for the National ASPTT tournament

L’ASPTT Montluçon Badminton (Allier) has drawn the right numbers … Indeed, no less than four players numbered among the two hundred best French will participate in the National tournament, the eighth of its kind, organized by the club this weekend of Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 November, at the Guineberts gymnasium.

The participants

If you want the quartet in order, here it is: Kevin Chaumeil (No. 124, Châtel-Guyon); Joevin sylvain (n° 139, BC Gien) ; Maxence Bulidon (n ° 159, Volant des Dômes); Jimmy Maignan (n ° 185, BC Gien). In short, “it will flutter”, promises Claude Charasse, vice-president of the section at ASPTT.

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Better, the competition will be sold out for its return, after a cancellation in 2020 due to the pandemic, with some one hundred and fifty badists in the running in total, women and men combined, from non-classified to National 2.

“We even have about 20 people on the waiting list. Never has the table been so high in this tournament. “

Claude Charasse (Vice-president of ASPTT Montluçon Badminton)

The competition

Suffice to say that the schedule will be busy, with the singles this Saturday and the doubles the next day, either two hundred and fifty matches in two days. Knowing that the four strong guys mentioned above will compete in a single hen.

What is not unique, however, is the origin of these crazy driving, since thirty-seven clubs and fifteen different departments are represented. Satisfaction for the organizing club. The more so as this one aims next year to open the tournament to the players of Nationale 1, according to the delivery of the new gym which he must integrate in Montluçon. Finally, remember that the ASPTT also organizes an annual Easter tournament… History not to put all your games in the same net.

The program

– Saturday November 13: from 8 a.m. to around 8 p.m., the singles.
– Sunday November 14: from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., doubles.

– Public :free entry to the Guineberts gymnasium in Montluçon (Allier). Health pass compulsory.

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Text: Luc Barre
Photos: Cécile Champagnat and Florian Salesse archives



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