Young Rasta Dragons also want to pose problems for Alba Berlin

The Young Rasta Dragons U-19 team will play in Berlin's Max-Schmeling-Halle on Sunday.  (Symbol photo)The Young Rasta Dragons U-19 team will play in Berlin’s Max-Schmeling-Halle on Sunday. (Symbol photo)
Rolf Kamper

Quakenbrück. The NBBL team of the Young Rasta Dragons has reported back with the 108:80 success over the Phoenix Hagen Juniors in the north main round A. On Sunday, October 24th, 2021, however, they will face an even tougher opponent.

At 3 p.m. it will be in the legendary Max-Schmeling-Halle against the offspring of Alba Berlin, one of the hottest favorites for group victory, playoff and TOP4 qualification. Alba not always sovereign How much the game in the basketball scene

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