Würzburg’s Alex King: The Glue Guy’s Last Dance

One last dance in the league

Until then he asks for the last dance – “The last dance” and then the professional career is over. After 20 years. His trainer Denis Wucherer calls King’s dance style “less standard and more a mixture of R’n’B and Hip Hop”. King is good for it.

“Yes, that’s right. I’m a bit old school. R’n’B and Hip Hop are already my thing. All the new screaming is not my thing. I need something with voice and wherever there are lyrics, those I can understand, and they also mean something. ” King hears the old stuff from rapper Jay-Z and currently Drake too.

An athlete who listens to his body

For years King has taken great care of himself and spares his body with fasting. “I eat interval fasting from 12 noon and 8 pm. And from then on I take a 16-hour break.”

That works particularly well before the season starts if everything can be planned precisely. Then he eats oatmeal as his first meal at lunchtime. King soaks them in plant-based milk overnight. There are also chia seeds, cinnamon, dried strawberries and flax seeds. Vegetable sticks are enough as a snack during the day, and in the evening, for example, he cooks chicken with halloumi and sweet potatoes.

Times shift during the season, and King has to have breakfast, otherwise he won’t be able to do the morning training.


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