Women’s Champions League: PSG refueled against Ukrainian women in Kharkiv

Seriously, PSG easily took the measure of a weak Kharkiv team this Wednesday evening at the Jean-Bouin stadium (5-0). Two wins in two Champions League matches for the women, who remain at the top of Group B ahead of Real Madrid. Jordyn Huitema scored a hat-trick. PSG also signs their seventh victory in seven games without taking a single goal.

The match: 25 minutes of Ukrainian resistance

For Ukrainian women, the trip to Paris will not be a great memory. A long trip from Kharkiv, hours of waiting at the airport, lost luggage and even crampons to buy because they did not know that Jean-Bouin’s lawn was synthetic. Add to that a correction (4-0) received in the field and you can understand that the journey home will be just as long.

For this meeting, Didier Ollé-Nicolle and his staff had chosen to rest executives (Katoto, Baltimore, Hamraoui on the bench) and to launch Huitema in point or Aminata Diallo in number 6. After a warm-up of 25 minutes, the Parisiennes took place. Kadidiatou Diani, suspended Sunday against Guingamp, set fire to his right side to offer himself great opportunities. But it was Huitema (see below) who allowed PSG to make the difference.

Although hit in the ankle after a tackle last Sunday, Sakina Karchaoui held the position of left side and in great shape. After the break, the score already at 3-0, the ordeal continued for Kharkiv with a goal against his camp after a header from Dudek (59th). Khelifi still went from her goal, as in Iceland, on the 34th shot of the Parisian evening (89th). In the goal, it was Stéphanie Labbé who was chosen after two games played by Barbora Votikova. The Canadian had a very quiet evening.

The player: Jordyn Huitema

She could have left this summer, coveted by several European clubs including Bayern Munich. But Canadian striker Jordyn Huitema has remained at PSG. The 20-year-old who arrived in 2019 feels good in this group and hopes to find her place in the starting eleven more regularly. She does everything for, like this Wednesday, by offering herself a hat-trick, like Marie-Antoinette Katoto on Sunday against Guingamp (6-0). Her first is a model: launched by Karchaoui in depth, she wins a physical duel before concluding with a strike at the near post (25th). The second is worthy of a Mauro Icardi: Huitema follows well after a strike from Bachmann on the bar and concludes with a header (32nd). The third is brought by Diani on the left side who finds the Olympic champion at the near post (42nd). A (very) good job.

The number: 300

Jean-Bouin was not filled this Wednesday in the early evening (6:45 p.m., start of the match). But the stadium resonated thanks to the PSG ultras present for the first time this season at a meeting of the women’s section. They entered at the kickoff singing to the glory of the champions of France. And as usual, they gave voice for 90 minutes. A weighty support for the players of Didier Ollé-Nicolle. They were also able to express their dissatisfaction with the programming: “Dream team. Schedule of m… ”, one could read on a banner. Difficult to prove them wrong given the few people present at the stadium. Next meeting for them: November 9 (9 p.m.) at the Parc des Princes for the shock against Real Madrid.

The eleven of PSG

Labbé – Lawrence, Ilestedt, Dudek (De Almeida, 71e), Karchaoui (Cascarino, 65e) – Däbritz (Khelifi, 65e), Diallo (Fazer, 78e), Geyoro (ch.) – Diani, Huitema, Bachmann (Baltimore, 65e) ). Entry : Ollé-Nicolle.


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